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Business Travel and Entertainment 2024 - 2 CPE

Business Travel and Entertainment 2024 - 2 CPE

Price per Unit (piece): $10.95


Texas requires a class be reviewed by enough students to assign earned CPE credits.  This course is still new enough that we are obtaining the reviews needed.   We recommend Texas CPAs check back soon. This process is usually finished within a few weeks.

Taxpayers are once again looking to CPAs for guidance and planning related to travel and entertainment expenses. This comprehensive mini-course examines and explains the practical aspects of business travel and entertainment deductions. To determine the expenses that taxpayers are able to deduct, fundamentals are reviewed and planning opportunities are identified. Practitioners will learn to master the proper administration of these complex and often cumbersome provisions.

Completion Deadline & Exam: This course, including the examination, must be completed within one year of the date of purchase. In addition, unless otherwise indicated, no correct or incorrect feedback for any exam question will be provided.

Course Level: Overview. This program is appropriate for professionals at all organizational levels.

Field of Study: Taxes

Prerequisite: General understanding of federal income taxation.

Advanced Preparation: None

Learning Assignment & Objectives

As a result of studying the assigned materials, you should be able to meet the objectives listed below.


At the start of the materials, participants should identify the following topics for study:

* Transportation & travel distinguished

* Definition of “tax home”

* Temporary & indefinite assignments

* Business purpose requirement for business travel

* Convention & meetings

* Statutory exceptions of ordinary & necessary requirement

* Entertainment facilities

* Employee expense reimbursement & reporting

* Self-employed persons

* Employers

Learning Objectives

After reading the materials, participants will be able to:

1. Recognize the “away from home” requirement and related deductions, determine what constitutes transportation and travel expenses specifying the tests for tax home and recognize the differences between temporary and indefinite work assignments including their effect on a tax home.

2. Identify the business purpose requirement using the 51/49 percent test, determine deductible conventions and meetings, and specify the limitations applied to meals and lodging when traveling.

3. Determine what constitutes business entertainment and identify business entertainment activity deduction restrictions and disallowance.

4. Specify the §274(e) exceptions to entertainment deduction disallowance, recognize the necessity of expense substantiation, and determine accountable and non-accountable plans stating the impact on deductions.

After studying the materials, answer exam questions 1 to 10.

Customer Reviews:

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  • I have taken multiple courses from The CPE Discount Store.  They have great customer support and I received my certificate of completion on the same day.
    Bill P. - CPA - Richmond, New Hampshire
  • The CPE Discount Store offers a great selection of online CPE courses.   I was able to complete my course on my time frame which is a great way to take CPE.  Having the book as a reference for future work was also helpful.
    Tom N. - CPA - Longmont, CO
  • The CPE Discount Store course materials are very straight forward and easy to understand, I particularly like the website and customer follow up to my questions.
    Susan P. - CPA - San Diego, CA


Love the courses. Wish there was more selection!
This has to be one of the most poorly written courses I have ever taken. There were typos, conflicting answers in the review questions, poorly-worded statements and questions. I\'ve taken many better ethics courses over the years. This course was a disappointment!

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